"Resident 3" takes the lead! billbil-kun revealed that XGP will add new game lineup in early February

"Resident 3" takes the lead! billbil-kun revealed that XGP will add new game lineup in early February

["Resident 3" takes the lead! billbil-kun broke the news about the new game lineup of XGP in early February] billbil-kun has just brought some of the new game list of XGP in early February, including: "Quick Serve", "Resident Evil 3: Remake", "Madden" Rugby 24". The specific launch dates of several works have not yet been confirmed. billbil-kun said that Microsoft may announce detailed information later today.
"Resident 3" takes the lead! billbil-kun revealed that XGP will add new game lineup in early February"Resident 3" takes the lead! billbil-kun revealed that XGP will add new game lineup in early February"Resident 3" takes the lead! billbil-kun revealed that XGP will add new game lineup in early February

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