"Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth" demo received five-star praise from players on PSN

"Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth" demo received five-star praise from players on PSN

[Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth Demo received five-star praise from players on PSN] The trial demo of "Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth" was launched this morning. The current global player rating of the game in the PSN store is 4.95 (there are 3588 reviews at this stage), of which 98% are five-star reviews. In this trial version, players can operate Cloud and Sephiroth and experience the review content of the "Niflheim Chapter". The official will open the "Juno Region" on February 21 so that fans can Explore part of the vast map of this game (note: this is a condensed version, the data cannot be inherited in the official version). Players who own the archives of the Demo version can obtain the "Gubo Lucky Charm" and "Adventure Item Set" in the official version. By passing the Niflheim chapter, you can skip the same plot when playing the official version. The size of this trial version is 48.69GB. There are two versions in the PSN HK store, one of which is the Chinese version. Please do not make the mistake when downloading.
"Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth" demo received five-star praise from players on PSN"Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth" demo received five-star praise from players on PSN"Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth" demo received five-star praise from players on PSN

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