The latest beta system of PS5 is launched today, focusing on the update of the audio function of the controller

The latest beta system of PS5 is launched today, focusing on the update of the audio function of the controller

[The latest PS5 Beta system is launched today, focusing on controller audio function updates] PlayStation’s official blog announced that it has begun pushing the latest version of the PS5 Beta system to users participating in the test today. This update mainly focuses on enhancing the audio experience of the controller. The official version is expected to be launched in the next few months. The following is a summary of the new features: DualSense wireless controller built-in microphone and speaker audio enhancement: 1. Controller speaker enhancement: The maximum volume of the controller speaker is increased, allowing players to hear in-game sounds and voice chat content more clearly; 2. Enhanced noise reduction function: The audio input quality of the built-in microphone in the handle has been improved. Background noise such as handle button sounds and in-game sounds are suppressed, resulting in a better voice chat experience; Screen sharing interaction enhancement: Players who watch other players play in full-screen mode can use pointers or emojis to interact with them. For example, give players likes or use pointers to prompt them. PS5 body light bar brightness adjustment: Players can now adjust the brightness of the light bar on the PS5 console body in the settings.
The latest beta system of PS5 is launched today, focusing on the update of the audio function of the controllerThe latest beta system of PS5 is launched today, focusing on the update of the audio function of the controllerThe latest beta system of PS5 is launched today, focusing on the update of the audio function of the controller

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