"Granblue Fantasy: Relink" is priced at 298 yuan on Steam, ranking first on the best-selling list in many places

"Granblue Fantasy: Relink" is priced at 298 yuan on Steam, ranking first on the best-selling list in many places

["Granblue Fantasy: Relink" is priced at 298 yuan on Steam, ranking first on the best-selling list in many places] The new ARPG work "Granblue Fantasy: Relink" brought by Cygames is now on sale on Steam, and the game supports Chinese. The national standard version of this game is priced at 298 yuan, and the special edition is 390 yuan. The latter comes with additional weapons "Apocalypse Pseudo Sword", "Shining Crystal X30", "500MSP", "Forged Martial Crystal Small X50" and "Character Color Pack 2&3". Although "Granblue Fantasy: Relink" has just been released, the game has already topped the best-selling rankings of Steam in many regions around the world, including China.

"Granblue Fantasy: Relink" is priced at 298 yuan on Steam, ranking first on the best-selling list in many places"Granblue Fantasy: Relink" is priced at 298 yuan on Steam, ranking first on the best-selling list in many places"Granblue Fantasy: Relink" is priced at 298 yuan on Steam, ranking first on the best-selling list in many places

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